1. Education:
• A bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field.
2. Experience:
• 0-2 years of experience in IT, especially in supporting operational data warehouse or database systems.
• Basic understanding of databases (SQL), ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and Data Warehouse concepts.
• Experience with monitoring and ticketing tools like Jira, ServiceNow, or similar tools.
3. Technical Skills:
• Basic SQL knowledge for querying databases and troubleshooting.
• Understanding of ETL processes and data flows within EDW.
• Ability to read and analyze error logs for problem-solving.
• Familiarity with BI tools (Tableau, Power BI) is a plus.
• Basic scripting knowledge (Python, Shell scripting) for simple process automation.
4. Soft Skills:
• Strong problem-solving abilities.
• Effective communication, especially for reporting or escalating issues.
• Ability to work in a team and under pressure.
• Detail-oriented and capable of working in shifts if required.
Product Operation
Bootcamp dan Sertifikasi BNSP
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