- A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as business, marketing, or information technology. candidates with a master’s degree will be advantage
- Several years of experience in sales or business development in the EPC/ Oil and Gas/ Liquid and Gas Energy/Power/Renewable Energy
- The exact number of years may vary, but 7-10 years is common
- A deep understanding of the EPC/ Oil and Gas/ Liquid and Gas Energy/Power/Renewable Energy
- Familiarity with EPC/ Oil and Gas/ Liquid and Gas, as well as the ability to understand and discuss technical details with clients Strong sales and negotiation skills, including the ability to identify customer needs, propose solutions, and close deals
- Leadership experience or qualities are important for a Sales Lead role, as you may be responsible for managing a sales team or guiding junior sales people
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as the ability to present complex EPC/ Oil and Gas/ Liquid and Gas Energy/Power/Renewable Energy in a clear and understandable manner
The ability to identify and address customer challenges and issues, finding suitable solutions - A focus on achieving sales targets and driving revenue growth
- The capability to work closely with the technical and project teams within the EPC company to ensure that customer needs are met effectively
- Fluent in english
Sales Manager
Bootcamp dan Sertifikasi BNSP
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